Scootering in the time of Isolation: Thoughts on the Pandemic
Unless you’ve been sealed into a concrete bunker as part of some nefarious government experiment for the last 6 months – you probably are self isolating right now, avoiding extra social contact and keeping to home as much as possible. Which is the smart thing to do, and hopefully willContinue Reading
The JunkRun update: We’re definitely doing it. (Probably. Well maybe.)
As we sit here in the ScooTToronto pandemic survival bunker, surviving on a diet of discount Ramen and cases of off-brand cola, we thought we would send out an update about the status of the JunkRun. (Editor’s Note: The ScooTToronto pandemic survival bunker is not to be confused with ourContinue Reading
The Junk Run: Update and Registration Open Date
We’ve been feverishly working behind the scenes – possibly literally so. Chances are we should get that checked out actually, but no time as we’ve been getting ready for the 2020 Junk Run! We’ve booked campsites at Killbear Provincial Park for up to 6 tents and 12 people – weContinue Reading
The Junk Run 2020: The Plan so Far
As previously announced – we have picked a date for the 2020 Junk Run – namely Saturday, August 8th, 2020. This date was was of course selected by a rigorous process involving trained scientists, a quantum computer, sixteen monkeys, a dart board, a calendar, a farmer’s almanac, two goalie helmetsContinue Reading
The Junk Run 2020: Thoughts on the Bikes to get, plus updates!
The Junk Run was inspired by a variety of people doing things on scooters and mopeds and motorcycles that well exceeded the comfort zone the machine was designed to operate in. Nathan Milward, who rode a CT110 postal bike from Sydney, Australia to London, England over a series of months.Continue Reading