As we sit here in the ScooTToronto pandemic survival bunker, surviving on a diet of discount Ramen and cases of off-brand cola, we thought we would send out an update about the status of the JunkRun.
(Editor’s Note: The ScooTToronto pandemic survival bunker is not to be confused with our Zombie Apocalypse survival bunker, our Vicious Squirrel survival bunker, or our emergency locked our keys in the car and can’t get into the house survival bunkers.)
First of all our main update on the JunkRun- that we are definitely still holding it. The question we are working on answering right now is…. *when* will we be holding it?

We are still loosely planning on our August date – after all, this event is going to be on the smaller side (it’s *pretty* unlikely we will be going above 6-8 people, and I suspect 4-5 is more likely.)
It’s also an event where we can probably still practice social distancing for the small ground who would attend – depending on the state of things, we may have to cancel the camping and dinner portion however. We’ll have to see.
*Worst* case we will delay until things are more under control, and it is safer for people to be together – and that’s the question we aren’t going to know until closer to our August date.

So for now we’re holding off on any kind of registration – and we may (if things are opening up again and we go ahead on our planned date) still practice some basic precautions if we do go ahead on our planned date – bringing sanitizer, having people wear face masks while off the bikes, maintaining a 6 foot distance from eachother, etc etc.
But one way or another – we will be holding the JunkRun. It might be delayed. It might have social distancing, it might be slightly different than our current plans – but we *will* be doing it.
Because we have scooters, we have a trail to ride them on, and we have some stupidity that needs to be expressed.
And after a summer riding season that is likely to be somewhat…. restricted – we’re going to need this.
So as soon as we can do this safely, we’re hitting the trails. And we’ll keep you up to date as to when that is.
Still interested but scooter prep repair on hold. Thanks for the update
Yeah it’s kind of hard to plan for much right at the moment (or for many people, to spend money on preparations) – so that’s understandable. Hopefully in a month or so we all have a better idea how things are going!